Our Company (Factory) uses CATIA V5, and our Headquarters will use 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA (CATIA V6) near future.
Then, we will need to exchange CATIA data by e-mail.

Could you tell me more about Data Compatibility between CATIA V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA (CATIA V6).

When speaking about Data compatibility, there are as many varieties of combination as there are customers.
Here, let me show you just some examples as below list for your reference.
- (3DXML) The Same Version compatibility, The Same Release compatibility
- (CATPart) The Same&Upward Release compatibility

For example in the following 1),
1. Scenario
- Your Company use CATIA V5 R22 (Version 5, Release 22)
- Your Headquarters uses CATIA V6 R22 (Version 6, Release 22)
2. Data exchange
- Your Company export data in 3DXML format, then send it to your Headquarters.
- Then, Your Headquarters receives this 3DXML data and imports it.
3. Result
- Your Headquarters can View 3D data.
- Your Headquarters can NOT edit 3D shapes.

- View: View & Measure 3D shapes
- Edit: Edit 3D shape, Continue Design 3D
- ✓: Can do it
- ✓(*): Can edit solid only, but can NOT edit feature
- ×: Can NOT do it
- 3DXML: a file format developed by Dassault Systèmes for 3D data representation, storing various components of a 3D model, including geometry, textures, materials, animations, and metadata.
- CATPart: a file format developed by Dassault Systèmes, representing a single part or component within a larger assembly. It contains the detailed 3D geometry, features, parameters, constraints, and other design information specific to that part.

I understand it. Thank you.

The above example is a file-based (e-mail-based) scenario.
Next time, I will explain it using a database scenario.